Kenmure Road Maintenance Committee (KRMC)
The Road Maintenance Committee (RMC) is a permanent committee of KPOA members that has primary responsibility for road surfaces, shoulders, drainage, rights-of-way (including alterations and trees), signs, road markings and striping, canopy trimming and speedbumps owned or controlled by the Association (“Road Systems”). The RMC shall perform the duties outlined in the RMC Policies and Procedures, the Rules and Regulations of the Association and the Bylaws of the Association as they relate to the Road Systems.
For current Rules and Regulations and Forms, go to the Rules & Regulations/Forms page. (This opens a document that contains all KPOA rules and regulations.) For Winter Storm Management Guidelines, Winter Driving Rules and the Kenmure Street Plowing Map, see below.
Snowman Letter to Residents_November 2024
To find the KPOA Cooperative Agreement for Eradication or Control of Kudzu, go to Rules & Regulations/Forms page.
RMC Roles & Responsibilities
- Dennis Boyd – Chairperson & Canopy
- Ray Donner – Signs, Utilities
- Erich Ramp – New Construction
- Dick Graber – Right-of-Way / Shoulders, Culvert Projects
- Fred Johnson – Mowing & Leaf Removal
- Larry Wesselink – Asphalt Patching & Paving, Striping, Canopy
- John Selby – Snowman
- John Pace – Asphalt Patching, backup Paving
- Bob Paulsen – Advisor
- Fred Balling – KPOA Board Liaison
For KRMC Committee Members’ contact information, consult the KPOA Members Only page or check your Kenmure Directory.