KPOA – American Red Cross Blood Drive

Kenmure American Red Cross Blood Drive

May 14, 2025. Time: 12:30-5:00 PM at the Kenmure Country Club Charleston Room. 

September 10, 2025. Time: 12:30-5:00 PM at the Kenmure Country Club Charleston Room. 

September 4, 2024 Blood Drive

Great Job, Kenmure!

Thank you for taking the time to donate at the September 4 Kenmure American Red Cross Blood Drive.

29 individuals donated a pint of life-giving blood [This donation potentially helps 2 patients.]

5 individuals donated as Power Red, which counts as a double donation [This donation potentially helps 6 patients.]

So, in total, our Kenmure Blood Drive was credited with 39 successful donations.

Many thanks to the Kenmure Country Club for its continuing support of this twice-a-year blood drive.  And, thanks to our blood drive volunteers!

Our 2025 Kenmure Red Cross Blood Drives are set for May 14 and September 10.  Time: 12:30-5:00 PM at the Kenmure Country Club Charleston Room.  Hope to see you there.

   Wayne Orchard, Kenmure American Red Cross Blood Drive Coordinator